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꼼꼼한 담임 선생님의 학습 관리

모든 수업 단계를 꼼꼼히 학습할 수 있도록 반에 한국인 담임 선생님을 배치하여 아이들의 학습을 도와줍니다
지정 원어민 교사

Evonne H.

교직 생활21년

담임 선생님


지도 경력 5년

TEM-8 자격증 보유

고정된 학습 파트너

비슷한 영어 능력을 갖춘 친구들로

반을 구성해 함께 공부합니다

전문적이고 자세한 “수업 후 피드백”
Good day NIki, I love your glasses! You look amazing in them. I'm sure your eyes will feel better with them on. We have read several books this week. First, we finished our books about time and discussed their meanings in class. Since each book was different, we talked about what they had in common and what was different. Today we also began the book World Holidays in class. This book discussed some of the holidays which are celebrated around the world. We discussed Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Holi, and Chinese New Year. We also talked about the different traditions we each have for Christmas. It sounds like your Grandpa makes Christmas lots of fun! Your Elsa music ball was lovely! What you did well: You read with excellent expression and very good pronunciation. You also demonstrated good comprehension of the story. What you can improve: We will continue to improve the pronunciation of the words: Kwanzaa, Holi, Hannukah, and Mkeka. To help with this, I will leave a short pronunciation video in the classroom chat. How to practice: Use the video to practice the Story words. They are new and have advanced spellings. I encourage you to read the book while listening to it. Excellent job today Niki! Warm regards, Teacher Evonne

권장하는 수업 환경

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